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Stake & Earn

Mint/ Stake & EarnBuy/ Sell Tagstakers Coin™ TGSTK-CDEX Trading
Earning Cryptocurrncy with Tagstakers NFTs is easy! Connect your wallet to Tagstakers Dashboard (tagstakers.xyz) and Mint (when minting is available), Stake your Tagstaker NFT by clicking the "Stake" button. Sit back and watch your Tagstakers Coin™ add up live in your dashboard. Collect reward and use Uniswap to exchange your Tagstakers Coin™ to Ethereum or other coin. To support our thriving Tagstakers Community, hold your earnings or buy more TGSTK-C.

Mint a Tagstakers NFT by connecting your wallet to the Tagstakers Dashboard (official site: tagstakers.xyz). Once connected click the "Mint Tagstakers" button. Approve minting transaction in wallet. Tagstakers are only 3333 NFTs. Minting will end once all 3333 have been minted.
If you own it! Stake It! that's our motto. Start earning cryptocurrency as soon as you stake your Tagstakers NFT, We've made it easy to Stake! You will see under OWNED NFTs your Tagstakers. Click the "Stake" Button to stake it. You will see it move to the "Staked NFTs" section.
Collect Cryptocurrency Rewards! You will see your Rewards in live mode as they accumlate Tagstakers TGSTK-C Coin. You can at anytime click the "Claim Rewards" button to withdrawn your coins to your wallet. The more Staked Tagstakers NFTs the more rewards to collect.

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